Hardback Books

  • A high end hardback book oozes quality, adds gravitas, credibility, longevity and increases readability. Coffee table books, cookery books, children’s books, travel books,  guide books, study books, non-fiction books, journals, historical books can all benefit from having a hard covering.
  • In this on-line digital age, the presence of a 3D physical book embeds itself more than ever in the mind of your reader. A hardback book maximises this impression. The extra weight, thickness, volume and feel provide security and reassurance.
  • We have a massive choice of textures and unique finishes for your hard cover to impress the senses of your reader.
  • Increase the profitability of your book by moving from softback to hardback; Usually the sale price can be increased by much more than the increased cost of moving up to hardback.

Arrange a no obligation meeting with us to discuss your ideas and options: Email david@beamreachuk.co.uk

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