Self Publishing

You’ve already done the hard part. You’ve poured your ideas out of your head and onto the page. You’ve picked the perfect title, thought about an eye-catching cover and made your book the best it can be. Now you’re ready to get your book out into the wide world.

You’ve approached some publishers and they are not interested, or if they are they are not prepared to pay you enough. You know your book will sell and you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and become a Self Publisher.

We can help you source an ISBN number, design and produce your ebook and printed book just as you want it.

Marketing your Book:
Nonfiction books can benefit from a wide variety of marketing services. Since nonfiction books typically have a very specific audience, it makes it somewhat easier to target the audience using online marketing, social media, and traditional media campaigns. Of course, success also depends on your research—and your connections.

Fiction books can be trickier to market because their audiences are typically more broad, and potential readers may — or may not — make their interests known online. For fiction books, it is best to focus on reviews, Amazon Exposure, and social media such as Goodreads. Getting your work noticed in the right places — by the right people — is what you need to get good at.

For many fiction self-publishers, the cost of printing a large volume of books is too risky. We can help you test the market using an ebook or a Print-on-Demand model sold through your own account on Amazon. We can also assist your market reseach by producing you a small number of sample copies.

Social Media:
Like any marketing program, it depends how you use your social media presence. However, if your audience uses social media and you are able to come up with content to keep them interested, you can definitely succeed using social media marketing.

Traditional Methods:
There is no hard-and-fast rule about not submitting your own work to traditional publications for review and promotion, but typically it is much harder to get attention than if you are working through a publicist or established marketing team.