Book Typesetting and Page Design
So you’ve written all the content for your book and maybe you’ve got some photographs or drawings as well. You are right to be concerned about the elements of making your manuscript actually look like a book. There is, as you suspect, the potential to make a world of difference to the appearance of your book by putting some professional [...]
Which is the best paper for printing my book?
Choosing the best paper for your book is a decision that should not be rushed – I pick up many books only to notice that the choice of paper is in conflict with the content. This might not be so obvious to the novice, but often there will be something that is difficult to put your finger on about the feel [...]
Achieving a beautiful printed result – FM Screening
To enable an image to be printed it must be broken up into a matrix of dots – called a halftone image. Traditionally the process of converting an original photograph into a halftone was done photographically with a halftone screen and the number of lines per inch (the resolution of the screen) was called the screen ruling. The higher the [...]